Look at all these posts! Aren’t you impressed?! I mean, this is a lot of people who love Cindy, Matt and the kids. A lot of people.
Andy Budd: Clearleft Pals
Cindy & Matt have always been good friends to the team at Clearleft. We first got to know her during our early trips to SXSW, where she became an honorary member of the Britpack. Holding court at the Hampton Inn and Suites, at Ms Jen’s Cheese and Wine Parties, or at the Great British Booze-up. To our surprise and appreciation, she’d also fly over to Brighton to help volunteer at our new defunct dConstruct conference.
Natalie Downe: Puppy
On the day we adopted our puppy Cleo, we bumped into Cindy, Matt & Apollo, Cindy said that Cleo was the first dog Apollo had met, I just found this cute photo of them
Bruce Floyd: Florida Field
Here’s Cindy on Florida Field. There’s a sign that says “stay off the grass” so naturally she ran on, danced around like a cartoon character, and raced off. 😂
James Craig: Tres Cindés
Tres Cindés: I took a slow panoramic at the Hoover Dam so that Cindy could run around and show up in it 3 times.
Jill Carrillo: The Force
Cindy was a creative powerhouse. She packed an incredible amount of time, love and selflessness into everything she created and many of us witnessed this happen in our days working on design teams at CC1-AOL. You could tell just by looking in her pod that she was a delicious explosion of mayhem. You always wanted to see what she would build, design, sew up, cook up, and eventually shake up with her small, but talented 5 foot frame.
Jake Pfaff: Curling Capes
I don’t know what to say about Cindy. She was such a warm welcoming person and I always enjoyed working with her. She made capes! When we had a Flickr team outing to go curling, she made capes for our team. It was great in the blue and pink Flickr colors.
She was a rad person, and I am happy to have been able to say I met her.
Kent Brewster: Super Mario Cube World
Late spring, 2008: I had the distinct privilege of working with Cindy Li on the Yahoo! Front Doors Network Services design/prototyping team. On June 1st the the word came down: every team on the second floor of Building A was given a small budget and encouraged to go completely nuts decorating their space.
So we made Super Mario Cube World (lots of photos here and here).
The day we opened up for public viewing, Cindy showed up with a big box of fondant icing and implements of destruction.
Matt: Making Beef Wellington
This is Cindy and i with some helpers making beef wellington - something we did a few times for family too.
Ian Lloyd: Well-Dressed Geeks
Well, I have a few of the typically silly photos to share but wanted to share this one instead. We don’t find many opportunities to dress up smart (and I promise you I did have a jacket on earlier and the top button done up!), but Simon and Natalie’s wedding was one of those times. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many well-dressed geeks in one location. Of course, I didn’t know it then, but this would be the last time I saw Cindy.