Chris: The Adventure Begins...
My adventures with Cindy Li began in the hills of northern Virginia back in a time when dinosaurs ruled the earth. Yes, I’m talking about AOL.
I was blessed to be assigned to a team with this perky, friendly, optimistic, and incredibly talented woman of the name Cindy Li. Our first adventure was launching a new homepage to millions of adoring fans (and equal number of complaints about moving the mail icon!). [photo of us during the launch]
From there our friendship steamrollered ahead. We became close friends, siblings really, and I was very sad when the day came to leave the hills and move out west to (sing it with me) “the city by the Bay” and leave my friend behind. Little did I know I’m just a short time she would follow.
Friends together once again in SF. Same company, soon to be same team. Long soulful chats, impromptu foodfests, hello kitty brunches, geekouts… an amazing time with an amazing sister.