Look at all these posts! Aren’t you impressed?! I mean, this is a lot of people who love Cindy, Matt and the kids. A lot of people.
Annah: My Twins Loved Her
Cindy and I had talked about visiting each other and meeting the other’s kids since Apollo was born. Between different coasts, overlapping pregnancies, losing my mom, me going back to work, then Cindy getting sick, it took four years before I went to see her last year. Then, Cindy and Matt came to visit us in NYC this past September a bit over a month ago. Of course, my twins loved her.
Julie: Couldn't Stop Laughing
This was from a trip to SF when Apollo was about 9 months old and he could not stop laughing!
Marcela: Apollo Dance Party
Looking through my videos, I found this gem. Dance party with Apollo, Matt, and Cindy. This was just a couple of days after Cindy got her diagnosis. Emily Yiu and I flew to give her a huge hug and let her know we love her.
Matt: Atlanta Olympic Wall
Not sure how many people knew this, but Cindy also worked on the 1996 Olympic Wall in Atlanta.
Kevin: Cindy's Dim Sum Boyfriend
I have a lot of funny photos of Cindy, but this is my absolute favorite. My kids both love Cindy, but my youngest, Brian, was in love with Cindy. I hesitate to say anything because I don’t want to make Matt jealous, but the truth has to come out.
This photo was taken at one of Cindy’s many dim sum outings. We were all stuffed, and heading for the exit, when Cindy picked Brian up to give him a goodbye kiss on the cheek.
Kelly: Human Spirit
Cindy sent me this last year, and said “They can’t calculate human spirit”
Stef: Fish Face Battle
One of the fun photos (I was actually able to find) is one that me, Veerle Pieters and Geert did in 2007 TO Cindy (from Ghent).
Cynthia: Fun Cindy Moments
I have a few pics for fun Cindy moments. One is at Apollo’s leaving SF party, and the other two are at a bbq at my place in the Presidio.