Look at all these posts! Aren’t you impressed?! I mean, this is a lot of people who love Cindy, Matt and the kids. A lot of people.
Annah: How I Met Cindy
So, I’m going to share how I met Cindy.
Cindy was at AOL with my brother, Philip Kim. He often talked about his “kooky” friend and how talented she was a designer, which says a lot. He rarely spoke of others in such warm and glowing terms.
In 2006, we found out that my brother had MDS, which bloomed into leukemia. He was treated at the NIH because the only way to save him was to do a stem cell transplant and….
Matt: Cindy Did This
ok, found it. cindy made this happen ….. at 28:10 you hear cindy asking scott to sing. he goes on talking again for a bit until zach levi finishes what he was doing backstage. at 57:10 they come back and perform because scott promised he would.
Ari: Star Wars Cosplay at ComicCon
Christoper spent years trying to convince Cindy to bring her infamous handmade Queen Amidala costume to Comic-Con. He had seen the costume in person and knew it would be a big hit. There was a LOT of convincing to be done, though—the costume itself takes up a whole large suitcase, plus the headdress takes up a separate box, plus the hair & make-up, etc.
Finally, we got to spend some time with Cindy and Matt at the Penn State Conference for .