PJ: A Boat Trip
Owais and I worked with Cindy back in the naughts at AOL. Cindy Li was one of the most delightful human beings we were able to call a friend.
Cindy was our resident photographer at our AOL holiday parties (taking reindeer pix with a light-up red nose), and our resident CosPlayer - with the most amazing Queen Amidala outfit I’ve ever seen outside of Hollywood.
Cindy was a connector of worlds. She bridged our AOL West team with the design team at HQ in Dulles. She was a sister to many, including our darling friend Philip Kim - who lost his own battle with sickness a few years back.
When we moved to San Francisco, we were so pleased to be able to meet up with Cindy, Matt and our kids. Cindy suggested a boat ride under the golden gate. It was amazing. I am not sure what horrified Cindy and Matt more… the sea-sickness or my two young sons being their charming selves.
Dearest Cindy, Matt, Apollo and Orion, we love you all. xo