Stef: It just feels like I always knew her.
I can’t remember when I met Cindy. It just feels like I always knew her. I grew up in Jacksonville too, but I left many years prior to her years. I was at SXSW starting around 2006, so it could have been there.
I had my own business back then, and Cindy did a lot of my client’s design work (designing doesn’t suit me since I’m a tweakaholic and never satisfied). Her design was always so happy, cheerful, bright, and uplifting. Her personality is the same. I don’t think I’ve ever met a more creative person. She brightens everything she touches.
Cindy came to Adobe MAX the year Mark Hamill was there. We got to hang out a lot. We tracked him down and got a photo in her Queen Amadala costume. I wish I could find it. (We were extremely disappointed to learn that Mark has never seen any of the movies! 😂)
When my son Hunter came to San Francisco with us as a teenager, Cindy had us over for Hello Kitty waffles. Hunter was amazed that I had such a cool friend (I am old after all). 😉 I was at her house in SF one time when she was making all the cakes to freeze and build Apollo’s birthday rocket with. I wish I could remember the final number she needed — do you remember, Cindy? It was so amazing to me that she was doing this life-like 3d version. I would have cooked a little rocket on its side. Everything Cindy touches ultimately becomes more creative.
And while humor, fun, and creativity are her hallmarks, she also has a serious side. She’s given me “a serious pep talk” more than once. Her loyalty and love for her friends is something I’ve rarely experienced.
I love you so much, woman and I’m completely honored to be included in your special circle of friendship. (I love you too, Matt! You’ve been the perfect addition to Cindy. I knew it the first time I met you. 😉)