Yanie: How I Met Cindy
I first met Cindy when we were both young and in our 20’s. We both lived in Northern VA, and we both worked for AOL. Cindy was the cool girl who roller skated down corridors of AOL in her sneaker-skates (Heelys?). I loved that when I was a newbie at the company, Cindy was quick to include me in her circle of friends.
When I started hanging out with Cindy, one thing about her stood out. I noticed she is VERY creative. And when she does something creative, she goes ALL IN. So it is not a shock to me when I see the things she does for Apollo and Orion. Cindy, you are an amazing mom and the most creative human being! I love to see the parties you throw for your kids, the toys you make, the Halloween costumes you create! That’s one thing I’ve always appreciated about you (among the many other things of course!)) I love your creative spirit. I wish we still lived close so I could learn from your amazingness first hand.
My favorite memory with you, Cindy, is that time we participated together in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer back in 2003. Y’all…I am one of those people who is not a “camper” (I am not particularly an outdoorsy person) so it was a stretch for me when Cindy asked if I’d volunteer with her and work the 3 day Avon walk. Doing so involved sleeping in a tent outdoors, not having the normal conveniences of a bed, private bathroom, etc. But she said it would be a great experience, a fun one, that we’d be helping others, we could do it in honor of someone who has had cancer, and it was for a good cause. So I agreed despite feeling a little anxious about it. At the time, my aunt had recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, so I figured I’d participate in her honor.
Participating in the Avon walk was indeed a learning experience. Being around so many people who were either survivors, or supporters of others going through cancer, those who were participating in honor of lost loved ones, truly affected me. It made me think a lot. It gave me awareness. I felt a lot of emotions that weekend. Cindy and I braved this experience together! And this is another thing I admire about Cindy- her giving heart. Her willingness to step forward to volunteer, and to ask those around her to step up as well. I don’t have a lot of photos (2003 was before the age of cell phone pics!) but I do have a lot of memories etched in my mind from that weekend. I also still have the pink ribbons and a pin we received while volunteering…I have them stored in a box with other special items I cannot bear to part with.
Another random thing I need to share- Cindy was the person who first introduced me to the magic that is Bubble Tea. For this, I am forever grateful!!!
Cindy, I am truly a better person because you are in my life. The world is a better place because you are in it!! Thank you for making your mark on my heart ❤️