Here are all the posts tagged with: “Robin”
Robin: Daniel Tiger
I don’t think I’ve posted this one yet - Joshua and I went out to visit in June 2016- Cindy is hiding behind Apollo’s stroller because she didn’t want anyone to really know she was pregnant yet, so she didn’t even want me to post these photos at the time even though she’s well hidden. Apollo and Mathison had so much fun at the Daniel Tiger exhibit at the children’s museum, and it prompted so many Cindy/Mr.
Robin: How I Met Cindy
I remember how I met Cindy! I haven’t known her as long as most of you. Joshua had worked with her at Flickr and was currently working with Matt at Twitter, and we were living in Berkeley while I was on sabbatical. I had given birth like a month before Cindy did, and I was standing awkwardly in a queue waiting to get in to Twitter for their Halloween party with a stroller full of a 3 month old baby.
Robin: Muir Woods
Almost all my other photos from this trip were of Apollo and Mathison with artfully-placed tiny stormtroopers scattered throughout the woods!