Jason: My Cindy Li Origin Story
My Cindy Li Origin Story:
I randomly emailed Cindy after SXSW in 2006 after seeing her name bandied about and realizing she lived somewhere near Washington, DC. Basically like, “Hey wanna come out to this little event I run?”
It’s Cindy so of course she did. Refresh DC is still around. 😂
Too many adventures to recall…
- Hello Kitty Waffles out at her place in NOVA
- LOST watch parties with her sitting between Jon and I. I remember getting punched in the arm a bunch.
- The infamous cross-country drive where I dyed my hair blonde the night before. Big mistake.
- Driving up to the summit of Mauna Kea on the Big Island.
- Being a part of both weddings. 😂
Oh yeah, and Cindy Li basically being the reason I’ve amounted to anything in my career by being herself, being kind, and introducing me to anyone and everyone. Thanks for that.
Holy crap WII.
Standing in line for maybe getting one at a Target near Orlando.
Dragging you to a professional wrestling event at Universal Studios. 😬
👆 The look I get most of the time. 😬